Gables Inn Sausalito
62 Princess St
Sausalito, CA 94965
From San Francisco
(Traveling North on Highway 101)
Cross the Golden Gate Bridge and proceed one half mile to Alexander Avenue. Continue two miles (Alexander becomes Second – Second becomes Bridgeway) into Sausalito, and turn left on Princess Street (at the street light). Go up the hill one half block from the water. We’ll be on your right.
From Highway 101
(Coming From the North)
Take the Marin City/Sausalito Exit and turn left at the stoplight – back under the highway. Turn right on Bridgeway and continue two miles to downtown Sausalito. Turn right on Princess Street (at the street light). Go up the hill one half block from the water. We’ll be on your right.
Travel By Ferry
The Gables Inn Sausalito is just steps away from the ferry dock with the San Francisco Financial District and Fisherman’s Wharf only a 25 minute boat ride away. Visit and for schedules and rates.